SATURDAY, May 13th
Bartholomew Ave, Hartford, CT
ART maniFESTation 2023: Exploring the Power of Public Art, Creativity, and Culture
Join us for a journey of the senses and be inspired by the impact of public art, creativity, and culture on the future of Connecticut. ART maniFESTation 2023 is an interactive event that promises to stimulate all five senses and transport you to a future where art, creativity, and culture thrive.
Discover the works of your favorite artists, craftspeople, and artisans as they showcase their talents and sell their pieces at the ART Festival. The festival also features a jam-packed schedule of family-friendly activities and musical performances from some of Connecticut's top talent.
As the evening unfolds, experience the ultimate VIP experience at the Celebrity Dinner at Gather55. Enjoy a delicious meal while supporting Hands on Hartford's community outreach work, with proceeds from the dinner being donated to the cause.
Be prepared for an unforgettable journey through mind-bending art that will transport you to another universe. ART maniFESTation 2023 promises to be a day and night filled with inspiration, creativity, and cultural discovery.
Don't miss your chance to explore the future of Connecticut's vibrant communities through ART, CREATIVITY, and CULTURE. You're invited to join us at ART maniFESTation 2023!
Check out the VIBES from previous years

Immersive and interactive art installations
Live music & performances
Featured artwork from CT's top artists
Activation of your tastebuds
Update on RiseUP's state-wide impact
Unify Connecticut’s Creative, Education, and Economic Development Communities.
Secure additional resources for future public art and youth development programs
Create employment opportunities for Connecticut-based Creatives and youth.
Generate awareness of RiseUP's contributions to CT's wellbeing
Provide attendees an opportunitiy to celebrate RiseUP together!

Contact sponsor@theriseupgroup.org if interested in supporting the 2022 ART maniFESTation.
$20,000+ maniFEST Sponsor
$10,000+ Imagine Sponsor
$1,000-$5,000+Dream Sponsor

Event Partners
Hands on Hartford, Hartford Stage, Bushnell, Parkville Market, iQuilt, Breakfast Lunch & Dinner, Greater Hartford Arts Council, Bob's Discount Furniture, and City of Hartford
Thank You from the Event Committee
Robert Garrey, Carmen Conway, Ryan Demadis, Max Amster, Anabel Siegal, Lauren Clayton, Wilson Beltran, Nick Sheridan, Harry Amadasun, Lindsay Vigue, Matt Conway, Joey Batts, Ryan Glista, Debbie Williams, Candyce 'Marsh' John, Jackie Mandyke, Trisana Spence, Gerina Fullwood, and Michael Rice
maniFEST Sponsor

Supporting Nonprofit

The 'ART maniFESTation' is a collaborative project curated by RiseUP for Art, MAD, and Connecticut’s creative community. The ART maniFESTation raises critical funds to support public art projects and youth arts programs for Connecticut communities.

MAD is Norwalk’s creative hub, offering a unique physical & digital space where emerging artist(s) are able to exhibit work, collaborate with fellow creatives, connect with the global art market, while being provided tools, resources, and mentorship to develop as a professional creative.
Through the space and colorful projects, we maintain our commitment to expand the MAD network of like-minded individuals who help and support the growth of one another.

The RiseUP for Arts is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) community development and creative agency with an office at Work Space in Downtown Manchester.
We have completed over 150 mural projects throughout Greater Hartford, we’ve worked with 50+ local artists, 100s of partners and hosts 1,000 plus volunteers per year to help paint our murals. RiseUP for Arts creates public art through donations, grants, and community goodwill.