Chris Gann: Freedom Mural, Southington
RiseUP has a jam packed Winter and Spring. We currently have over 25 murals and placemaking projects in progress across Connecticut, waiting for the temperatures to rise to get paint on the walls. These include partnerships with schools, businesses, municipalities, and other community groups. These hugely impactful public art projects wouldn't be successful without your support. Please consider making a donation today! DONATE TODAY
2022 Preview

Run to the Bushnell Theater to check out the Digital Local Art Stage located on the theater's walls. The performances take place on a digital platform of video screens installed on the exterior of the building in the spring of 2021. Featured RiseUP artists: Top L-R Jaii Marc Renee, Michael Rice, Ben Keller. Bottom L-R Corey Pane, Deka Henry, Jillian Goeler.

Bristol MLK39: Racial Equity Mural Tour.
Artist: Micaela Levesque.
Partners/Sponsors: City of Bristol, Bristol NAACP, Bristol DEI Committee, Bristol Arts & Culture Commission

Putnam MLK39: Racial Equity Mural Tour.
Artist: Emida Roller.
Partners/Sponsors: Sawmill Pottery, Hale YMCA, Town of Putnam, NE CT Arts Guild, Putnam Arts Council

"Instagramable Stamford" the interactive mural series.
Artist: Alissa Siegal
Our 2022 Goals
RiseUP has set the bar high for 2022. After the incredible support from communities across the entire State of Connecticut, we are continuing to expand our programming, impact, and team throughout the year. Here are some of our goals:
Complete over 100 murals across Connecticut
Train 50 Emerging Mural Artists across Connecticut
Expose 2,000 youth to the Power of Public Art
Host 100 Youth in our Creative Leadership Internship Program (CLIP)
Launch public art programs in 10 new communities across Connecticut
Continue our message of diversity, equity, and inclusion in communities across CT through the MLK39 Mural Tour
Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter to stay up-to-date on all the projects we will be revealing in 2022.
Take a look at our 2021 Recap: