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CT Murals

The Off-Main Experience launches in Stamford

[STAMFORD, CT] Buzzing from the success The Off-Main Experience: Manchester, the creative team from RiseUP for Arts and Stamford Murals are bringing you Off-Main Stamford, a FREE popup art festival to Stamford's West Side this Saturday!

Hosted by the Wellbuilt Co & supported by a grant from the Stamford Arts & Culture Commission, the festival presents live mural painting by artists Lauren Clayton, Patrick Ganino, Chris Gann, DonJ, Weverson Ponte, & Alex Ranniello. Off-Main Experience: Stamford will feature music by DJ Dinero, art vendors, food trucks, face painting, a public mural wall, art experiences at all corners, and more!

The Off-Main Experience: Stamford is a family friendly event running from 1PM to 5PM on July 16th and is located in the parking lot of the Stillwater Apartments at 57 Stillwater Ave in Stamford, Connecticut. Registration is encouraged at CLICK HERE.

The murals created at the festival will be raffled off and funds donated to the Food Bank of Lower Fairfield County.

Event entry is free and open to the public. Located close to Mill River Park.

Meet the Muralists:

Other Vendors and Artisans (and Instagram):

  1. Bridgette Fabian: @draw._bridge

  2. Angie Caceres: @jungleyarn

  3. Anabel Siegal: @anabelsiegalart

  4. Alissa Siegal: @_alissasiegal_

  5. Amanda Camps: @art_by_acamps

  6. Kris Schnitzler: @peacebunnydesigns

  7. Bryana Sarsoza: @bryana_isriel

  8. Josh Yanko: @sono_ceramic

  9. Margaret Tsirantonakis: @mtsiran

  10. Faces by Laura

  11. Bees Artistry CT: @beesartistryct

  12. Cristian Caceres: @cristiannn.suave

  13. El Jalapeño

  14. Kona Ice: @kravekona

  15. Chubby's Rental

Additional support from Carmody Torrance Sandak & Hennessey and Ideal Tile Stamford.

Location: Stillwater Stamford, 57 Stillwater Ave, Stamford, CT

Parking Suggestions:

Street parking by venue or garage parking at location below:


Stamford Murals y RiseUP for Arts traen un festival de arte emergente al lado oeste de Stamford!

Organizado por Wellbuilt Co y apoyado por una subvención de la Comisión de Artes y Cultura de Stamford, el festival presenta pintura mural en vivo de los artistas Lauren Clayton, Patrick Ganino, Chris Gann, DonJ, Weverson Ponte y Alex Ranniello. Off-Main Stamford contará con música de DJ Dinero, vendedores de arte, camiones de comida y una pared de pintura pública.

Los murales creados en el festival serán sorteados y los fondos se donarán al Banco de Alimentos del Condado de Bajo Fairfield. La entrada al evento es gratis y abierta al público. Esta cerca al estacionamiento y del parque Mill River.

Soporte adicional de Carmody Torrance Sandak & Hennessey y Ideal Tile de Stamford.

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