On Tuesday, October 26 and Wednesday, October 27, WORK_SPACE and The RiseUP Group will co-present The Business of Art for the very first time. This event will take place at 903 Main Street (and online) and feature workshops for artists and creative professionals to learn best practices for producing, promoting, and selling their work.
These free evening workshops will be split into two days each taking place from 5:30 – 6:30pm.
Day one (10/26) will focus on pricing, promotions, and materials.
Day two (10/27) will focus on public art, art shows, and art galleries.
All ages and skill levels are encouraged to attend either onsite at WORK_SPACE or on Zoom. Follow this link https://bit.ly/BizOfArt2021 to RSVP and reserve your seat or get the link.
Visit our website
http://workspacemanchester.com/events-programs/ for more information about this and other events.
“WORK_SPACE has multiple missions including fostering innovation, supporting entrepreneurs and building community” says Stacey Zackin, WORK_SPACE Manager, “By offering these Business of Art workshops and partnering with The RiseUP Group, we are accomplishing all three. Many artists understand how to source material, price and promote their work and find the best exhibit spaces, however, many don’t. By bringing artists together we hope that they will share best practices, develop personal and professional relationships, and help us build a community that celebrates the diversity of life, art and culture.”
Panelists include internationally recognized and awarded artists:
Tao & Amy LaBossiere: @tablabossiere
ARCY: @arcyart
Ben Keller: @benkellerct
Emida Roller: @creativemida
Joe Sam: @joesamart
Jeanne Manzelli: @jeannemanzelli
Carlos Hernedez Chavez: @esclavo43
Jaii Marc: @jaii_marc_art
For more information contact info@workspacemanchester.com or call 860.647.6029

Shannon Burke, Gallery Coordinator, WORK_SPACE
galleries@WORKSPACEmanchester.com 860.647.3168
Joshua Guicherit, WORK_SPACE Associate
Stacey Zackin, Manager, WORK_SPACE
Direct #: 860.647.6022
Matt Conway, Exec. Director, The RiseUP Group, Inc.